
Interoperability means the ability of systems, applications, devices, and services to work together in a synchronized way. The single most important aspect of automation is interoperability and a key to the global establishment of automation standards. Interoperability puts an end to technological fragmentation and eases user experience. Technological fragmentation means that the devices in the systems need to be controlled separately, which can lead to a negative user experience and the solution to this barrier is interoperability. With interoperability, the different devices are able to communicate with each other and work together. Which minimizes complexities and reduces confusion for users. It also helps solution providers to incorporate various functionalities in a system, tailoring to our clientele needs.

Open systems offer a high degree of interoperability and enable multiprotocol Gateway to communicate with devices across multiple wireless technologies. Entelechy offers a large product portfolio which makes it easy for solution providers to integrate different functionalities and can create a solution tailored to the specific needs of their customers.